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  • Undergraduate Programs
  • Engineering Science
  • Course Path
  • Typical Course Path For Students

    The recommended 4-year schedule for an Engineering Science major is shown in this table. Note that the first three semesters are designed to build on each other.

    First year, fall semester

    FYS 100
    DMC 172
    WRT 181
    Language course

    First year, spring semester

    PHY 125
    CPE course
    Language course

    Second year, fall semester

    PHY 126
    CPE course
    CHE 111
    WEC course

    Second year, spring semester

    CS 116
    Language course
    Distribution or RPP course
    Elective or track course

    Third year

    PHY 325 and track courses
    Internship recommended

    Fourth year

    DMC 416
    EGR 497
    and track courses